I like the "in-your-face" font size of the title.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What the hell is going on on this show?

*BB11 spoilers below*

Wow. That is basically all I can say about BB11 tonight. After Thursday I was so pumped up for tonight, but a little nervous because Michele had won HOH and I didn't know for sure exactly where she stood. I was laughing the hardest in tonight's episode when Natalie, Chima, and Lydia were crying like Jessie had died or something. Kevin was freaking hilarious when he was talking in the diary room. What was up with Jessie dissing him when he left? He brought up some really valid points about Jessie that showed he wasn't such a saint after all. They are crazy. I of course wanted Natalie out and Chima out. When she nominated them both I was jumping for joy. At the very end of the episode they said someone self destructs and gets kicked out of the game and I was wondering who so I looked it up online immediately to find out from videos, forums, or any other way I could.

If you don't want to know anymore until Tuesday don't read any further.

I was looking in a lot of places and this is what I pieced together: Chima was angry and threw her microphone into the hot tub and wouldn't follow productions rules. She says that she quit, but Big Brother says they kicked her out. Either way she is finally gone and we can move on.

Friday, August 14, 2009


*BB11 spoilers below*

What a night on Big Brother 11 it was.

I have been looking forward to this episode ever since I heard about the power and especially ever since I found out Jeff got it. If you haven't noticed yet I am super rooting for Jeff as the winner. So tonight was so crazy. When Julie announced to the group that the person with the power that wants to use it should stand up I was so excited! I was super nervous that Jeff wasn't going to use it and just let Russel go home. That would have been the stupidest move in Big Brother history. So he used it and put up the best couple: Natalie and Jessie. The only was this could have been more perfect is if Natalie went home. I actually felt bad for Jessie at the end and you could tell he wanted to be there if for anything to sleep. :) I know he's going to be mad at Russel for a long time because he didn't pick him for the veto competition and instead picked Jeff. Chima's reaction to Jeff saying he kept his word to Russel was priceless. She wanted to talk to the producers because she thought he had told him when it was about an entirely different thing I'm pretty sure. Seriously? Then on to the HOH competition intense. I was really hoping Jeff would get it and if not then Jordan and if not her then Russel. Of course none of them get it and instead Michele gets it. This isn't ALL bad for Jeff and Jordan and worse for Russel. If I had to lose one of those three it would be Russel because come on Jeff and Jordan are too cute and they are awesome a lot. Did anyone notice how Lydia and Kevin were acting? They were being so obnoxious as with the entire other part of that alliance. They were being so bitter and rude. I hate that. Michele holds the power and we will see what happens next week.

A television reminder would be that next Wednesday August 19, 2009 Top Chef premieres at 9:00 and this time they are in Las Vegas which should be fun and also after that at 10:00 the finale of Top Chef: Masters will be on and that should be good with Michael still in it and probably ready to fight.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Top Chef: Masters

*Top Chef: Masters spoilers below*

Has anyone been watching the new "Top Chef: Masters" episodes? I definitely have. Tonight was the final episode before the finale next week. I though that this episode was a great one.

The quick fire they did is one of my favorite ones they do on "Top Chef" and it's fun to watch the different things the chefs come up with. It seems pretty easy until, of course, you put on the blindfold. So Michael Chiarello wins with 7 right and receives 5 stars. Anita Lo and Rick Bayless both got 6 right and received 4 stars. In last was Hubert Keller who got 5 right and received 3 and 1/2 stars. I was really hoping Hubert or Rick would have one this, but there is more to come.

The elimination challenge was a fun one to watch. I love it when they bring some chefs back from previous seasons. I ALWAYS hope Marcel will be in that group, but of course he almost never is. It's always Ilan. Why? The chefs who return are: Season 2's Betty Frasery, Elia Aboumrad, and Ilan Hall. Season 3's Chris "C.J." Jacobsen and Brian Malarkey. Season 4's Dale Talde, Evangelos "Spike" Mendelsohn, Antonia Lofaso, and Richard Blais. <3 Season 5's Alex Eusebio, Jamie Lauren, and Fabio Viviani. Based on these choices I would have chosen the following chefs for the following reasons (not in order I would choose just in order of what season on).

Elia Aboumrad

Choice: 3rd
Reasons: Elia made it to the final 4 in her season and showed that she was good at handling many things and dealing with the people around her in that season *cough* Ilan *cough*. She seems to be a very calm person when dealing with stressful situations and is a great chef. She also has experience in pastries and desserts so that's definitely a plus for dessert.

Dale Talde

Choice: 2nd
Reasons: Dale has shown in his season that he is good at making things right or even better when they go wrong. The example I am speaking of is when the pork went bad when he and Stephanie were a team on the episode before the finale and he ended up making a better dish. He might have a temper, but he is one of the best chefs we've seen on the show.

Richard Blais

Choice: 1st
Reasons: Richard is a very talented and inventive chef. He is always coming up with new ideas to add flavor, texture, and something interesting to your food. His use of molecular gastronomy (one of the things I definitely want my cooking to have) is amazing and fun and also brings something new to the plate.

Now onto the rest of the challenge. They pick their sous chefs (no particular order): Hubert picks Elia, Spike, and Antonia. Michael picks C.J., Brian, and Fabio. Rick picks Richard, Alex, and Betty. Anita picks Dale, Jamie, and Ilan. During the interviewing of the chefs Michael is being incredibly crazy telling all the chefs to show their knife skills. Maybe he would have been better off just asking them questions about what's to come and what they know how to do. My favorite part was when Spike totally told him no and didn't do it. Everyone was excited and happy that someone stood up to him. Then the fight between Dale and Michael. This guy just can't stop making people mad can he? I totallly supported Dale in this one and obviously he won. In the end Hubert came in first winning with an awesome menu, Rick came in second, Michael came in third, and Anita came in fourth meaning she was the one to be sent home.

Next week looks really good. I guess you kind of need Michael in there to cause more things to happen. My hope is that Rick wins, but I would be happy too if Hubert won.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am back and talking about Big Brother 11

I am back! You can't believe my one maybe two readers can you? I know neither can I. Thank you to Charise for getting me back into the blogging way of life. I absolutely love T.V., but I am not confident that I will really want to run a blog just about that. I am thinking maybe changing this to a cooking blog with random updates about T.V.. Does that sound good reader/s? I will put a poll on the side to see what you guy/s think. I could post pictures and talk about food I made and at the same time talk about the latest happenings on Big Brother. SEGWAY! Speaking of Big Brother...

I am so excited for Thursday because Jeff has the secret wizard/ unicorn (Jessie) power and I want Natalie and Jessie up on the block with Natalie going home. Then to top it off Jeff winning HOH after. How awesome would that be? I love the idea of a Jeff, Jordan, and Russel alliance. I also love Jeff's answer to Jordon's question when she said, "What are spider's webs made out of?" and Jeff responded with, "Um I don't know web?" Cute!

I hope you enjoy that I am back and that I am going to be updating a lot more often.